In 2018, the UW Task Force on Writing was formed to re-examine the Writing ("W") requirement, and to think about ways to better support (and better publicize existing supports for) writing on campus. The Task Force, which was composed of writing faculty and representatives from First Year Programs, Undergraduate Academic Affairs, and the Center for Teaching and Learning, spent several years working toward the following outcomes:

  • They developed the UW Writing Principles, a set of scholarship-driven definitions and values that are meant to provide a foundation for a culture of writing on campus.
  • They determined that a clear, centralized site with comprehensive information about writing at UW was necessary. That is where you are now.
  • They recommended the formation of a UW Writing Council, a permanent body composed of writing specialists and stakeholders from other units on campus. The aim of the Writing Council is to support, publicize, and foster connections among the various sites of writing on campus.

Do you have a writing or communication-related event you would like to advertise? Please email Megan Callow at and we will post it in the News section!