Writing@UW will be hosting its first workshop, "Teaching and Learning in the Age of AI Writing: How Do We Adapt?" on April 27th from 12:15pm - 1:45pm.
This workshop will engage faculty in the exploration of issues and questions that arise with the use of AI writing technologies in teaching and learning. The facilitators will begin the workshop with a presentation that will show how AI writing systems work and share some current research about AI writing, including work the facilitators have done on human-machine teaming. The workshop will then provide an opportunity for participants to test out some of these systems using their own writing prompts and will engage participants in discussion of some key questions, such as: What ethical and pedagogical concerns arise with the use of AI by students? What is an acceptable level of AI assistance (and does the answer depend on the course and/or disciplinary context)? Should we “AI-proof” writing assignments? How should we revise/update our policies on plagiarism and academic integrity to account for these systems? And, finally, how might AI help us and our students in meeting course outcomes?
Heidi A. McKee, PhD, and James E. Porter, PhD, are Professors of Rhetoric and Professional Communication at Miami University, where they teach professional writing/communication courses in the Departments of English and Emerging Technology in Business & Design. Their most recent collaborative research focuses on human-machine teaming and the rhetoric and ethics of AI-based writing systems, an inquiry that began with their co-authored 2017 book, Professional Communication and Network Interaction: A Rhetorical and Ethical Approach (Routledge). Their most recent publication is “Team Roles & Rhetorical Intelligence in Human-Machine Writing” (Proceedings from the 2022 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference).
To register, please follow this link: https://washington.zoom.us/
Note: This event is capped at 40 people, and we expect it will fill up fast. If you register but later determine you can't make it, please cancel your registration so someone else can go in your place. Thank you! If you have questions please email Megan Callow at mcallow@uw.edu.