When I taught this course in the past, I found students struggling with the weekly intellectual journals assignment. The goal of this assignment is for students to write a critical appraisal of each week’s assigned readings, including the one overarching theme that weaved through this week’s readings and student’s thoughts and reactions, in around 400-500 words.
This time, I will include more hands-on guidance and instructions on the weekly intellectual journals, including:
The prompts for the writer’s memo are: What I’m struggling with this week and what I will try to improve for the next journal.
The Writing@UW Fellowship was a valuable experience. Initially I added a W designation to my course because there are a lot of writing assignments in my course. However, my course was a content course, and previously I did not purposefully teach writing in this course. With the Writing@UW Fellowship, I learned many important aspects of how to teach writing.