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UW has many different resources for students who want support for speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English and other languages. Please browse the resources below and learn about which can best serve your needs.

College Edge: English 108

College Edge is an optional program designed to launch incoming first-year UW students into their college careers a month ahead of schedule. As a College Edge student, you can:

• Get a head start on your coursework and get valuable writing experience: Complete a five-credit UW course called “Writing Ready, Learning Ready: Preparing for Success at a Global University” the month before Autumn quarter begins.
• Meet other incoming students: College Edge is a great way to build friendships and networks with students who will be starting at the University of Washington with you.
• Connect deeply with a UW faculty member: With 25 students or less in your College Edge course, you will get to know your faculty member and they will get to know you. They will be on your team, supporting your transition into the UW.

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When is it?

Mid-August to mid-September (see the website linked below for exact dates).

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What people are saying:

"This program made me very excited to continue school here. I loved meeting people interested in similar things as I am. I liked having an opportunity to start college in a less overwhelming way.” –CE Student

“I love welcoming students to campus and helping them feel seen through the College Edge program! The UW is a big place, but this program offers an intimate setting to forge strong relationships and build academic confidence to successfully navigate the four years ahead. I remain connected to my College Edge students, years after they have completed the program, which is a gift!” –CE Faculty 


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Learn more and sign up: College Edge


Writing Studios: English 115

The Writing Studio is a 2-credit (credit/no credit only) course that meets two days a week for 50 minutes. This studio is designed for students who are currently taking an English composition class and who want to continue developing their ability to understand and produce writing for academic purposes. This course focuses on the linguistic aspects of writing by working with you to analyze academic texts to learn about writing from them, think critically about your grammatical choices, revise papers rhetorically, and learn how to give and receive valuable feedback. While this course has traditionally been provided as a service to students who self-identify as multilingual and international students, we encourage all students interested in further cultivating their language and revising skills to consider enrolling in this low-stakes studio course.

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 When is it: English 115 is a full-quarter course that you register for at the same time that you are taking a 5-credit composition course. Available fall, winter, and spring quarters.
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What students are saying:

"My experience in English 115 was incredibly beneficial. Not only did the course enhance my writing skills, but it also provided me with a solid foundation for future writing endeavors. Also, the personalized feedback and engaging discussions on class truly made a huge progress in my learning process. After taking 115, I feel not afraid to write an essay independently anymore.”

"I think it is helpful to take ENGL115 with other English composition or writing courses, as we can get support and advice from instructor and classmates about essays during the class. Also, the content of the class is interesting, like analyzing the differences of versions in different languages and intertextuality between two texts. I absolutely recommend taking it along with other English class."


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Learn more:
  • Find current ENGL 115 offerings in My Plan
  • Download the following flyer for more info:


Language Exchange Partners

Hosted by the Language Learning Center, the Language Exchange Partners program serves as a dynamic hub where you can be matched with a language partner or tutor tailored to your specific linguistic needs and preferences. It is a great opportunity to connect, learn, and grow within our diverse language-learning community.

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Learn more and sign up: Language Exchange Partners


CIRCLE Fast Track

Join this weekly group discussion to learn and exchange ideas with your peers on various topics, and practice speaking English. Snacks & drinks are provided.

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When is it: Weekly throughout the quarter


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What students are saying:

"I was able to connect with different people"

"I realized that there are many opportunities to meet people who are students not in business."


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Learn more: CIRCLE Fast Track


CIRCLE Language Exchange

Join this bi-weekly language exchange to share your language & culture while learning another language from others. Snacks & drinks are provided.

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When is it: Every other week throughout the quarter
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Learn more and sign up: New link coming soon



F.A.Q.s About English Language Support

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